Useful Information
Here you will find links to all of the important information about Stage2 that you might want to look at before joining (or when you’re a current member). The below are all summary statements for our policies. If you would like a full version of any of the below, please email and we will happily send them to you.
Safeguarding Policy
The below is a general statement summarising Stage2’s Safeguarding Policy. However, the full policy is available to read here.
Safeguarding Young People Policy Statement
Stage2 Youth Theatre Company is open to all children and young people between the ages of 7 and 21. We provide our members with wide ranging opportunities to participate in all aspects of theatre and theatre production.
At Stage2 we place the safety and well-being of children and young people at the centre of our work. We are committed to protecting children and young people from all forms of abuse and providing an environment in which they are able to thrive and where their welfare is promoted. We believe that this is fundamental in ensuring that our members reach their full social, emotional and artistic potential.
The policy is based upon the legislation, policy and guidance set out in
The Children’s Act 1989
The Children’s Act 2004
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
Children and Families Act 2014
Education Act 2002
Children and Adoption Act 2002
Children and Young Persons Act 2008
Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009
Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009
Education Act 2011
Policy and Guidance
Working together to safeguard children 2015
Mandatory Reporting on Female Genital Mutilation
Code of Practice
The following provides an overview of the way in which Stage2 will ensure that the safety and well-being of children and young people is safeguarded.
- It is the policy of Stage2 to provide a safe and secure environment in which children can thrive and develop and where all aspects of their welfare will be protected.
- To help Staff support this, parents & carers are invited to inform Stage2 of the difficulties/challenges/issues etc. that may impact an individual’s well-being (App.I)
- Stage2 will minimise the situations in which the abuse of children might occur.
- Any child using the services of Stage2, and anyone acting on behalf of such a child, may complain to the management about any aspect of the service they receive. There will be a simple and well publicised process for this and complainants will have a right of appeal to an independent person/agency if they are dissatisfied with the way a complaint is handled.
- Any child using the services of Stage2 may disclose to a staff member any abuse they may be suffering elsewhere in their lives and all staff will be vigilant for the signs of abuse.
- Any indications that a child may be suffering from abuse will immediately trigger Stage2’s child protection procedures. These procedures are consistent with the good practice guidelines of the Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board.
- In recruiting staff Stage2 will follow a systematic selection process designed to assess the applicant’s suitability for the post and to work with children.
- Checks will be made to ensure that all the information provided by any potential member of staff of Stage2 is accurate and, within the limits of procedures available, staff will be checked for any offences they may have committed against children.
- No new member of staff will be appointed to any position in Stage2 without two suitable references being provided. All referees must be persons who can comment on relevant and recent aspects of the applicant’s work with children.
- All staff appointments to Stage2 will be subject to a probationary period during which they will be closely supervised.
- All paid staff of Stage2 will have clear roles detailed for them.
- The supervision of staff will be used as a means of ensuring that the children using the services of Stage2 receive adequate and appropriate protection.
- Where staff occupy high risk posts or are working in high risk settings or situations, Stage2 will work with host organisations and specialist workers to ensure the appropriate practices are undertaken.
- Induction programmes for all new staff will include basic information on recognising and responding to safeguarding issues. Staff at all levels of the organisation will be encouraged to undertake further training on child protection issues, and in appropriate circumstances this training will be compulsory.
- Stage2 will ensure that issues of child protection receive continuous attention and will regularly review the way that the organisation operates to support this principle.
- This policy is publicly available via the website or by other means and parents and members are made aware of the Stage2 statutory responsibilities in accordance with the policy.
Stage2 uses the term ‘child’ to refer to anyone under the age of 18, as defined by the Children Act 1989. The principles above apply equally to our work with vulnerable adults, for example adults with learning difficulties. The term ‘staff’ is used to denote any person working under a paid permanent, fixed term or freelance contract and who is over the age of 18.
Equal Opportunities
Stage2 Youth Theatre Company is committed to promoting equal opportunities, to pursuing non-discriminatory policies and practice and eliminating unfair discrimination on grounds of age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, class, nationality, creed, colour, ethnic origin, political belief or disability.
Stage2 undertakes and promotes equal opportunities in everything it does including auditions and interviews, in the execution of its curriculum, in employment and in teaching, ensuring all staff and members have rights and responsibilities in relation to the promotion of equality. Stage2 aims to provide excellent, flexible, accessible and relevant education that is suited to its location and external spaces. Applicants who identify themselves as having specific needs, including any disclosed disabilities are offered appropriate support provision and facilities to ensure they can fully participate in Stage2.
In fulfilling Stage2‘s commitment to its policy, Stage2 will
- Communicate to all staff and members the company Equal Opportunities policy, informing them of their responsibilities in promoting and maintaining equality.
- Ensure all employees and members are made aware that they have a personal responsibility to create and maintain an environment in which the individual is respected and each employee or member is accountable for their own behaviour.
- Work to ensure that equality of opportunity is considered in all activities, for example in employing staff, in recruiting and supporting members, in teaching and learning, in developing the curriculum.
- Ensure all teaching and marketing materials reflect the company commitment to the equality of opportunity.
- Respect the wide diversity of the member body and endeavour to ensure that systems and practices do not conflict with any cultural and religious beliefs.
- Not tolerate any acts of discrimination or harassment by staff or members, whether they are carried out intentionally or not.
Stage2 offers open access to everything, irrespective of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, class, nationality, creed, colour, ethnic origin, political belief or disability including special needs. A minimum age limit of 7 and maximum age limit of 21 is set to ensure diversity without compromising the education and wellbeing of our members.
Demonstrable and justifiable criteria are applied to audition and interview procedures to ensure that people are judged against a standard and assessed according to merit above ability. No candidate shall be assessed on the grounds of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, class, nationality, creed, colour, ethnic origin, political belief or disability including special needs. Stage2 Youth Theatre Company takes reasonable steps to ensure that all text and scripts used as part of the teaching practice and public performance are ethnically diverse, offering material across a range of cultures, societies and classes.
Signposting and Anti-Bullying Policy
Stage2 Signposting Information
Connecting young people with services that provide support and encouragement is an important part of ensuring Stage2’s members are healthy and happy. This page should help Stage2 members and other young people aged 7-21 find assistance with educational and personal matters.
If you feel that you are a victim of bullying you may want to reach out to an organisation that can help
Kidscape: Kidscape is an organisation which offers support to children and parents
Bullying UK: Visit the Bullying UK website for support & information
Mental Health & Happiness:
If you are feeling low or in need of assistance in regards to mental health & happiness
MIND: The National Association for Mental Health – for families & individuals 0845 766 0163
Young Minds: An organisation that supports young people & families in Mental Health 0808 802 5544
Eating Disorders:
If you are struggling with your eating habits you may want to speak to professionals to kick-start a healthy lifestyle.
BEAT: Helpline who support those affected by eating disorders. 0845 634 1414
Relationship Concerns:
If you feel that you need support when in relationships (or when one has ended);
Relate: Nationwide service for those needing support with relationship issues 0300 100 1234
KidsHealth: Want to get along better with your parents & teachers?
If you or your family are at-risk of becoming homeless, there are several organisations who can help
Shelter: Support for individuals & families at risk of being homeless 0808 800 4444
Birmingham’s Housing Department: Statutory Agency who can support families 0121 427 7988
Education/Qualification Support:
Get tips on surviving school, finding the right qualifications, revision, passing those all-important exams and getting into college or university. This site has all the information you need to get the best out of your education.
General Support:
If you need a sympathetic ear to talk to someone immediately about a problem:
Childline: Free & confidential helpline for children & young adults
Samaritans: Samaritans provide confidential emotional support (24 h) 08485 90 90 90
Job Support:
Looking for a job? Search for job vacancies, careers information and details about training and volunteering.
Stage2 will undergo regular updates of this information but cannot accept responsibility for the contents & services of the above organisations. If you wish to talk to Stage2 Staff about a concern please email
Stage2 acknowledges that bullying behaviour is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We endeavour to ensure that a safe and secure environment is provided for all members of the company and for the staff who work with them. Stage2 acknowledges that bullying can take place amongst any combination of persons in the company, regardless of their role: Member, Staff, Parent, Board Member etc. We are committed to taking appropriate action where bullying does occur.
Stage2’s Anti Bullying Policy should be clearly accessible in its premises with a contact name and number for confidential support.
Bullying is a deliberate and sometimes persistent attempt to hurt, upset or humiliate another person resulting in distress to the victim.
Bullying can happen in different ways:
- Emotional: being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting (e.g. hiding possessions, using threatening gestures).
- Physical: pushing, hitting, kicking or any use of violence.
- Verbal: name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours
- Cyber: all areas of internet, such as e-mail and internet chat room misuse, mobile phone threats by text messaging and calls, misuse of associated technology, i.e. camera and video facilities
And bullying can have different motivations:
- Racism: racial taunts, graffiti, gestures
- Sexual harassment: unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments
- Homophobia: because of, or focusing on the issue of sexuality
- Religious intolerance: because of or focusing on the issue of faith
- Difference: because a person is perceived or identified as being ‘different’ in a negative way from others.
The above are not exhaustive lists.
Stage2’s staff oversee the implementation and review of the Anti Bullying Policy. Board meetings and Management Team Meetings are used to discuss the problem of bullying and to agree systems to tackle unacceptable behaviour with young people.
Mentors may be an initial contact point for a young person being bullied but Mentors must not attempt to address the offending behaviour. Mentors should inform a member of staff without necessarily betraying a confidence as outlined in the SYPP – Mentors/Trainee Tutors Statement.
Staff will endeavour to raise awareness about bullying through all appropriate channels including induction procedures, posters, leaflets, signposting, the website and through the Mentor Scheme.
Incidents of bullying will be dealt with on an individual basis and confidentially by staff. If a case is deemed more serious then the involvement of the Board may be required.
Stage2 will provide appropriate awareness raising and training to all relevant staff to reinforce this policy and to provide skills and techniques to counter bullying behaviour.
All staff and volunteers should be informed of what to do when an incident of bullying is reported.
- Incidents should be reported to Staff and subsequently to the Company Director
- Incidents will be recorded by staff using the report sheet below
- In serious cases, parents should be informed and will be asked to visit to discuss the problem
- If necessary and appropriate, police will be consulted
- The bullying behaviour or threats of bullying must be investigated and the bullying stopped quickly
- An attempt will be made to help the bully (bullies) change their behaviour
- The bully (bullies) may be asked to genuinely apologise and other sanctions may be used as appropriate.
- In very serious cases, suspension or exclusion could be considered
- If possible, the participants will be reconciled
- After the incident(s) have been investigated and dealt with, each case will be monitored in striving to ensure repeated bullying does not take place
- All incidents must be written up within 24 hours.
- Reports should be signed by the staff member making the report.
- Reports and records should be passed to the Company Director who in turn will take responsibility for their safe storage and processing of this information.
- All information gathered should be treated with strict confidentiality
Records of any incidents are kept and used to inform future practice. Spot checks and occasional surveys may also be used. Evaluation and review will ensure that Stage2 remains responsive to changing needs whilst striving to protect young people from bullying.
Black Lives Matter/More Than a Moment Pledge
During 2020, we asked members and ex-members of Stage2 to talk to us about their experience of our youth company. The forum was an opportunity for young people to have their say and talk to us about their experiences, in order for our charity to listen and to grow in response. You can read the full report here.
Stage2 has also recently signed up to the More Than a Moment Pledge with Culture Centre and you can read our signed pledge here. This pledge is our commitment to accountability for working with Black Creatives and will use it to inform our work with all marginalised groups and those with protected characteristics.
Data Protection Policy
Stage2 Privacy Statement
This is a summary of Stage2’s Data Protection Policy.
Stage2 Youth Theatre has a duty of protecting & handling your information in an accessible & lawful manner. This statement is a summary of our Data Protection Policy that ensures your information is safeguarded whilst retained by the company, its Staff body and the responsible persons who handle it.
Collecting Information:
Stage2 will ask to collect specified types of personal data for the following individuals:
- Full name, D.O.B, Age, Gender For recognition & filing
- At least three different contact numbers In case of emergency contact
- An email address For company correspondence
- The school/training they have attended/are attending For licensing purposes
- Any significant medical information For safeguarding & wellbeing
- The methods of communication that lead Members to join For marketing analysis
- Photographs of children taking part in performances or attending events
This point is done so on a basis that signed consent is received upon booking in new members.
- At least two of the contact details collected from Members should be the contact numbers of significant guardians (see point 2 of Members).
- If the related Member is performing in the current/upcoming production and under the age of 16 (or in year 11 and below), additional medical declaration/contact information will be required.
- Where a significant guardian is volunteering (chaperoning, intro days etc.) an email address, phone number and DBS Check may be required in order to safeguard the welfare of young persons.
- In the case of the member being looked after/fostered/in care, you will need to provide evidence of proof-of-care for licensing purposes.
Enquiries (Non-Member Contacts):
- The method of communication of enquiry. In order to keep them updated
- Additional details of the potential Member in contact. To monitor our membership body
Media/Press/Professional Contacts:
- Stage2 will collect (in research) openly accessible contact information for any contacts relevant to current activities, these individuals include (but are not limited to):
- Press Contacts | Forum Administrators | School/Teacher Contacts | Working Professionals
Storing Information:
When collecting information Stage2 will undergo stringent data protection procedures in order to safeguard the information provided, attained or requested. When stored on paper, information will be kept in relevant files that will be securely placed and non-accessible to public, young persons or parents unless specifically requested via a Subject Access Request (Please see our Data Protection Policy). When stored electronically, information is stored on encrypted documents, password protected computers and to the greatest extent not stored on cloud storage unless approved by the Data Protection Officer.
To comply with GDPR, stored data (other than visual media such as photos and video) of young people is kept no longer than 6 years. Medical Information, such as accident & incident reports, are kept securely locked for a maximum of 3 years after the young person turns 18.
Using Information:
Stage2 will not pass on your information to third parties, and all personal/professional data is used to:
- Send relevant correspondence to you.
- Contact you in the event of incident, non-attendance or query.
- Send you statements, invoices or relevant information.
- Send you marketing communications & company updates.
Additional Notes:
Stage2 Youth Theatre has a duty of care in safeguarding the wellbeing of current Stage2 Members. Your personal information is not (unless absolutely necessary – see below) passed to third parties nor is it easily accessible. If you believe your personal data has been misused you may contact Stage2’s Data Protection Officer:
As of 10/05/2016:
Alexander Butler : 07961 018841
Stage2 reserve the right to pass on your personal data to the relevant authorities in order to comply with our Safeguarding procedures for Young Persons where Stage2 Staff feel the welfare of young persons is endangered.
Please be advised that when booking a Membership via Eventbrite that your personal data is stored by a third-party service and your information may be used by them in relation to their data protection policies. This is a process outside of the control of Stage2 and complaints related to Eventbrite should be made directly to the Service Provider.
This statement was last updated by Alexander Butler (Company Manager) 25/05/2016
Stage2 Ltd. is a Limited Company with Charity Status registered in England & Wales
Company Reg. No: 03045994 Reg. Charity No.: 1108213
Registered Offices: 12 Valentine Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 7AN
Refunds and Complaints Policy
Stage2 Refund Policy
The following policy and the financial implications of said policy in this document apply only to: Termly Membership Bookings, Summer School Bookings, Residential Trip Funds & subsidiary services where a monetary payment is necessary, such as (but not limited to): Photo Order Payments, On/Off-Site Stage2 Events; this policy excludes Tickets for the active Stage2 Production; refunds for Productions are subject to the Venue’s own refund policy.
Term Membership Booking:
To qualify for a refund in regards to a child’s Term Membership, you must have attended less than, or equal to, 2 Standard Sundays of Term (exc. the Intro Day). If a refund is requested beyond 2 working Saturdays, Stage2 will be unable to process a refund. Please ensure (to avoid this circumstance) that you and your child have read through our Introduction/Welcome Pack thoroughly prior to attending so you understand our aims and ethos and are fully aware of the specific options for that Term.
Stage2 Advises all potential new members to have engaged with Stage2 prior to joining; reading our website, following us on Social Media, attending a Stage2 production or an open termly event such as a LAMDA Evening. We offer free tickets where possible to help further facilitate this.
Summer School Booking:
To qualify for a refund in regards to a child’s Summer School Placement, you must have attended no more than 1 day of the full week. If a refund is requested after attending more than 1 day of a Summer School Stage2 will be unable to process a refund. We reserve the right in the first instance to recommend a child swaps to a more appropriate option if available.
Claiming a Refund:
In the event that a refund becomes necessary we must receive a letter specifically requesting a refund. Whilst requests can be hand-written, your letter must clearly include:
- The full name of the child(ren) in question
- The specific activity you have paid for
- The name of the person we should make payment to
- The specific amount of the activity you have paid
- Please note that Stage2 will charge a £10 administration fee for each activity you request a refund for – this should be taken off the specific amount of refund requested.
- Your return postal address
- The Date
- The Signature of the Payee
This letter should be given to Core Staff in Person or sent to our administration address:
Stage2 Youth Theatre Company,
12 Valentine Road,
Kings Heath, Birmingham
B14 7AN
Upon receipt of the refund request, Stage2 Staff will process the request and dispatch a cheque for the appropriate amount within two weeks from that time.
Please ensure that points 1-7 are included in your request to speed this process up. Stage2 will process the request as soon as able and within the two week deadline but cannot do so if the above conditions are not met as we have stringent accounting processes.
Stage2 Complaints Procedure for Members & Parents
Stage2 actively invites the feedback of Parents & Members[1] and provides several methods of receiving & acting upon advice, concerns, queries or complaints. There are four key ways in which to provide feedback :
- Query/Question/Concern: A straightforward verbal query, question or concern related to your child(ren)’s development within Stage2, can (in almost every instance) be dealt with promptly by the Core Team[2]. Correspondence will be dealt with in the medium it is received i.e. verbal – in person or over the phone, via email or in writing.
- Anonymous Feedback: You can give feedback anonymously by leaving a comment, suggestion or letter in the Red Stage2 Comments box that sits in the Marketplaces every Saturday. Any anonymous comments will not be able to have a direct response and any action that is necessary may be done so without notification to the Stage2 Membership body.
- You may also leave comments & feedback on the ‘Working Wall’, though please be aware that this is an openly accessible point of interaction in the Marketplaces and criticism without context may confuse, upset or disrupt other members.
- Please consider that the ‘Working Wall’ is primarily used by the Mentors
- Further Discussion: If either party (Core Staff/Member & Parent) feel your area of concern needs more discussion and a more detailed response; a meeting will be arranged as soon as possible – ideally the same day, but within a week at the latest. A witness/additional staff may be present as appropriate. All complaints will be taken seriously and the complainant given the opportunity to express their grievance to their satisfaction. The Core Team will liaise over each response and take advice from the Board where appropriate[3]
- Confidential/Concerns Related to Staff: If you are not satisfied with the Core Team’s response or if you wish to make a complaint regarding the Core Team, you may choose to bypass the above action points and have your comments/feedback considered by Stage2’s Board[4]. Our Board is made up of professional individuals in specific fields who have a duty to Safeguard the Young People in Stage2 in the instance that the Core Team are unable to do so. You can contact the board by emailing
- The Board will reply within a maximum of three weeks. The Board will initially send a written receipt of correspondence and it is at their discretion whether they offer a further face to face meeting.
- You may also leave comments & feedback on the ‘Working Wall’, though please be aware that this is an openly accessible point of interaction in the Marketplaces and criticism without context may confuse, upset or disrupt other members.
Your feedback is important to Stage2 and any question, query, feedback or complaint will be treated with respect of privacy & dignity in order for a satisfactory conclusion to be reached.
Stage2 is an open-access company that holds the safeguarding of Young Peoples welfare at its core principle of engagement ethics. Where necessary, Stage2 Core Staff will refer Members & Parents to relevant Signpost Organisations where a young person’s specific needs cannot be met within Stage2.
Additional Notes
When giving feedback or expressing concern please be advised that Stage2 Staff (In this instance including subsidiary parties; Trainee Tutors, Mentors & other company Members) have the right to work in an environment free from physical and verbal aggression (as stated in the Health & Safety at Work Act of 1974).Your feedback is important to us however in the instance of a situation becoming un-safe or inappropriate (i.e. that a situation potentially escalates to the point of physical & emotional harm) for any individual, the correspondence/interaction will cease and in severe cases the relevant authorities will be contacted.
[1] Parents & Members in this instance refers to current company members & their parents, guardians or carers. I.e. a young person (young adult, vulnerable young adult, child(ren) or Youth) and the immediate relation of care.
[2] Core Team in this document refers to the Artistic Director or Company Manager of Stage2. Trainee Tutors & Mentors do not in this instance represent the company of Stage2 and should, where a concern or complaint arises be bypassed in seeking advice.
[3] Notes of the complaint and action/responses will be kept on confidential file in the Stage2 office. Confidential responses (i.e. responses that endanger the welfare of individuals) will be kept on file by the Board.
[4] Please be advised that the Board (if the situation merits) may approach the Core Team for background information/more details prior to taking action. It is at the Boards discretion whether to show the Core Team feedback.
For methods of communication, please use: (This is a direct email to the Core Team)
07961 018841 (This is a direct line to the Company Manager, please allow 24 hours response time) (This is a direct email to the entirety of our Board)
This policy was last updated by LL & AB 25/05/2016
Stage2 Ltd. is a Limited Company with Charity Status registered in England & Wales
Company Reg. No: 03045994 Reg. Charity No.: 1108213
Registered Offices: 12 Valentine Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 7AN
Inclement Weather Procedure
Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of Stage2 Members & Staff, whatever the weather.
Document Summary
This document is to aid Stage2 Staff in the occurrence of inclement or severe weather[1] during Stage2 Operations. Above all, Stage2 holds the welfare and safety of its members at its highest priority, and Stage2 staff will seek to safeguard this principle regardless of the weather. This procedure offers guidance on what actions to take but Stage2 reserves the right to alter the procedure if deemed necessary after assessing the situation and all risks.
Weather Assessment
It will be the responsibility of Stage2 Staff to informally assess the severity of weather before any Stage2 event. In the event that the weather is becoming progressively more severe, Staff will differ to the Met Office Weather Warning System and act accordingly.
Yellow Warning
According to the Met Office a Yellow Warning is defined as causing
“…some low-level impacts, including some disruption to travel in a few places. Many people may be able to continue with their daily routine, but there will be some that will be directly impacted and so it is important to assess if you could be affected.” [2]
When issued with a Yellow Warning, Stage2 Staff will endeavour to continue the event but recognise that many members and their families travelling from certain areas may not be able to travel or may be late.
Amber Warning
According to the Met Office an Amber Warning indicates
“…an increased likelihood of impacts from severe weather, which could potentially disrupt your plans. This means there is the possibility of travel delays, road and rail closures, power cuts and the potential risk to life and property.”
When issued with an Amber Warning, Stage2 Staff will liaise with the Board and decide whether the event will continue. If the event is to be cancelled, Staff should follow the following procedure:
- (If already at the venue) Remain there and establish a base within clear view of any entrances.
- Using registers and the Stage2 Database, Staff will contact each family warning them not to travel.
Due to the number of young people in Stage2, Staff will follow the following protocol:- Contact Trainee Tutors & Mentors first – asking them to spread the word amongst their teams
- Post on Social Media and the Stage2 Website that the event is cancelled
- Additionally asking parents to alert Stage2 Staff that they have seen the message.
- If Staff are unable to speak to any member or family they will remain at the venue until after that child’s arrival time to ensure the safety of that individual.
If not already at the venue, Staff should place the safety of themselves first before travelling. Staff reserve the right to make this judgement call unless specifically ordered not to travel by a member of the Board.
Red Warning
If the Met Office issues a Red Warning all Stage2 Events will automatically cancel with immediate effect. The procedures outlined in the Amber Warning above will be followed, however Stage2 Staff should not attempt to travel to the venue under any circumstance.
[1] “Inclement” or “severe” in this document is used to refer to weather considered hazardous.
Distribution Day Policy
Distribution Day
This policy is to ensure the safety of young persons when asked to operate off-site / not under direct supervision of Stage2 Staff. It is necessary that Stage2 Staff follow these guidelines and resulting procedures to ensure the welfare and security of young persons is protected regardless of Staff presence.
The context of this policy is in the instance of a Stage2 Distribution Day where young persons are placed in appropriate groups with sufficient leaders to distribute physical print in specific locations i.e. where Stage2 staff are not scheduled to be present in the immediate care of young persons.
This document has two primary functions: General Guidelines and Risk, Prevention & Action.
General Guidelines
- Taking part in a Stage2 Distribution Day is a gesture of goodwill and no persons undertaking time & effort on behalf of Stage2 should be placed out of pocket. Members can be reimbursed for travel expenses at the end of the day by providing proof of travel.
- All individuals taking part must be placed in appropriate groups which must include:
- An individual over the ages of 16 (if a Mentor/Trainee Tutor) or 18 where applicable to act as Team Leader.
- An experienced member acting as a Seconder.
- An individual who knows the area.
- At least two individuals that have a working phone turned to loud and the Stage2 phone number saved to their contacts.
- At least three members
- Stage2 staff must be accessible at all times throughout the duration of the Distribution Day in the office with several publicised mobile phones present. Should an incident occur, a member of Staff will immediately travel to the location.
Risk, Prevention & Action
RISK: A Young Person becomes lost / missing
PREVENTION: All individuals are placed in groups that they are told not to detach from or even go out of sight of. When splitting to cover more ground more quickly each sub-group must have a responsible over 16 year old present.
Each individual is encouraged[1] to carry a phone the number of which Stage2 Staff will keep readily accessible in the office. Every individual with a phone will ensure that the numbers of their Team Leaders & Stage2 are saved in their phone prior to leaving the office. Team Leaders will save the phone numbers of their entire team.
ACTION: In the instance that a young person is reported lost or missing by a Team Leader, Stage2 staff will immediately phone the non-emergency police to report the potential incident and one member of Staff will travel immediately to the area. Whilst this is happening another member of Staff will contact the parents/guardians of the missing individual to inform and re-assure – it is vitally important that the language used is not inflammatory or cause for undue concern.
RISK: A member of a group becomes ill / unwell / injured
PREVENTION: Each group is placed with a responsible member of the company above the ages of 16 / 18 where applicable. These leaders are required to allot appropriate breaks & rest periods and must operate with caution in all aspects of travelling in a group (i.e. waiting at the traffic lights etc.).
ACTION: Where appropriate Stage2 Staff will enact one of three methods of action
- The group is asked to return to the Stage2 office in order for the unwell individual to be collected by parents. If more appropriate, parents are phoned and asked to collect the individual from their respective location.
- If a young person receives a minor injury or is non-severely hurt, Team Leaders should phone Stage2 Staff and find a quiet, comfortable place for the whole group, calm the individual and re-assess after 20 minutes.
- If a young person is severely injured or hurt the Team Leader will be advised to call for help from public or ask another member of their group to phone an ambulance. In the instance that they injury is not serious Stage2 Staff may advise over the phone on the correct first aid procedure.
Regardless of incident Stage2 Staff must record any instance of a young person’s health being at-risk and must inform a parent/guardian either on collection or immediately after the incident is reported.
RISK: A group becomes lost / disorientated
PREVENTION: Where possible each group has one – two individuals who are local to that area. In the instance that a group does not have an individual who knows the location confidently in their party Stage2 staff will take the appropriate measures to inform the group of their location and the means of travel to and from by giving them a printed map and confirming the exact travel methods (such as bus pick-ups and train times etc.).
ACTION: Where appropriate Stage2 Staff will guide a group back to the office over the phone or advise the group to stay where they are and travel to the area to meet them.
RISK: Young persons in the presence of Alcohol / Adults under the influence.
PREVENTION: When at the restaurant Stage2 staff will supervise the young persons at all times. Staff will escort young persons to and from the Bar to order meals and place the relevant number of staff at each junction of travel.
Stage2 staff will reserve a self-contained seating area away from other seating in the restaurant in order for tables to be easily seen and movement visible.
ACTION: In the instance of a young person approached by a member of the public (unknown to Stage2), Staff will immediately call the individual over. If a member of the public approaches a group Staff will interject the interaction and advise that the person allow the group to continue with their meal.
In the rare instance that a member of the public becomes verbally/physically aggressive (or a threat to the health, wellbeing and safety of young persons) Staff will immediately inform venue staff and co-ordinate members appropriately.
In no way must the actions of Staff endanger the welfare, health & safety of the young persons under Stage2’s care or themselves – all actions must ensure that any situation arising is dealt with in a calm and sensible manner.
All instances of this kind must be reported to parents/guardians on collection.
[1] Some young people do not have access to mobile telephones – in this instance at least two members of the group must have a phone that is switched on and on loud.
07951 122932
c/o Stage2
12 Valentine Road
Kings Heath
B14 7AN
Rehearsal Space
Queensbridge School
Queensbridge Road
B13 8QB
Designed by Nettl of Birmingham